Monday, July 21, 2008


I'm mourning the current state of the little sac trail. I've never seen it in such bad shape; it's overgrown, tree's across the trails and low hanging limbs everywhere.....

I wrote to ozark greenways about it and they redirected me to a guy that works at cycles unlimited who I guess is responsible for trail maintenance. That's cool, at least somebody accepts responsibility for doing the work that I and many others benefit from. Here's my original email;

The sac river trail is in serious need of maintenance; the weeds are
crowding the trail (often several feet tall) and there are numerous low hanging limbs that need to be trimmed back. There is also a section of the trail along the river that is completely impassable due to fallen trees.

If there are any planned group maintenance days then I would be glad to volunteer to help out. I know with the wet weather trail conditions haven't been the greatest, but I've never seen the trail as overgrown as
it's become.

It needs help.


Mark Gullett

Here's the response I got;

Hey Mark,
thanks for your concern. The greenways guys are going to clean the fallen debris soon. Unfortunately trail conditions have been unrideable for most of the season thus far. Any riding during muddy conditions is bad for trail conditions. As the rain has been relentless any corridor trimming is futile. As soon as we get some dry conditions we will be cutting back the overgrowth. You are welcome to carry some cutters for your next ride and trim anything that is arm widths. I will contact you for any organized trail maintenance. thanks again
ride frequently,
(name omitted to protect the innocent)

I understand what he's saying but the weather has cleared up and the last couple times I've ridden the trails mud hasn't been an issue. I'm willing to help out when they organize a work day, but I don't know about carrying cutters for my next ride; I wreck too often and I hate to think of the damage I could do to myself with those!!!!

Anyway, I'll just deal with having a sub-par trail system since that's better than no trails at all.....

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